Friday, April 20, 2012

Sean's so damn kewl !!!!

         Hulla blog ! Long time no post (˘ʃƪ˘) I'm so sorry abou that, but this week I got so many problems, so I was unmood and .. voila ! I did nothing and ofc I was lazy to post somthin' here. sowreh . Kay, forget about that bitchy things  -.-

        Btw, Now I'm watchin' the Indonesisan idol 2012. And you knowww, I just saw my Idol performing her song . She's sooo fabolouss ! I love sean so damn much kamasean is a 16'th y.o girl. But she's had a goddes voice. Kewl ya know !!! Her performance always amazing and impressive. Tonight she performed merindukanmu - a song by D'massive band. As usual, she always perky and shining ! Not only good in singing, she also good at studying. FYI, at the age of 16 y.o, she's been in 3rd grade of senior high school ! WO-AOW . How could she did it ? -.- may be she took an acceleration class ? Yeaa, I confess she's a smart girl. She's an extraordinary things in the world . She's my Idol :') lols. I always love her performance, mostly when she sang the song from Glen fredly with Akhir cerita cinta. Its fuckin' perfect and it gives me the creeps too :"" there's some picts about sean, you could check them out now ;)

sweetest smile ;)

Stunning performance ♥

          Aaah, the last but not least, this's her tweet acc @kamasean ;) Well, I think enough for posting, I'll continue my other activity, I always being busy ofc. Lols :p kay, bye fellas ~

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scrubby things. Better you dont read this !

               Ohai, blog. Today's such boring weekend. But, not boring at all coz there's a little thing could boost my mood to the highest level (ˇˇʃƪ) dont be so curious please, cz i wont tell it to you :p hihi. kay, better I tell you another things, so .. em .. This day I just went to matos wif my mommy and my lil' bro. yeaa, we just bought some pieces of batik outfits and .. shopping daily needs. And, this's my outfit for today. Check this out . 

random picts -_-

Hiding my ugly face ._.

what the....

super-model-wannabe :p lols

               Bahaha,ugly rite ? -_- as I told you before, better you dont read this silly post coz I put some photos with weird poses and I think its so eww -_--
oke, enough. I'll continue it after taking an extreme shower. Bahaha, It's ducking timeee ~(‾▿‾~) (~‾▿‾)~

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bola Kaca

          Ngerti bola kaca kan ? Bukan. Bukan bohlam atopun lampu taman. Ituloh yang bahasa gaul-nya Crystal Ball, yang biasanya kalo dipencet tombolnya bisa keluar musik terus muter-muter sendiri. Unyu deh. kalo di sinetron-sinetron, biasanya cowok ngasih benda itu ke cewek, buat kenang-kenangan gitu . Pokoknya suatu benda manis yang istimewa, yang bisa bikin si cewek inget terus sama dia. Romantis ya ? Banget. Kapaaaan, ada yang sudi ngasih aku barang unyu begitu ? sebenernya beli sendiri juga bisa kok. harganya juga ngga mahal. Cuma sekitar 40k, kalo yang waktu itu aku temuin di toko aksesoris. Titik permasalahannya bukan di harga, tapi lebih condong ke maknanya. Kalo dihubungin sama perasaan, bola kaca ini bisa nyambung banget loh. Apalagi kalo yang ngasih Mantan - atau seseorang di masa lalu, pasti maknanya dalem tuh . Kalo lagi kangen sama si-pemberi bola kaca ini, pasti kita bakal pencet tombolnya, dengerin musiknya yang mirip lagu ninabobo - inget orang itu - galau - akhirnya nangis semaleman. Eh, back to the topic. 

             Jadi kesimpulannya : GUE PENGEN DIKASIH BOLA KACA!! 

haha, postingan kali ini geje banget -_-- tapi ya udalah, besok aja dilanjutin lagi. Sekalian mau nambahin analogi bola. Hihi. See you Fellas !

NB : postingan ini terinspirasi dari cibul yang waktu itu nyari kado buat temennya. Nah dia beli bola kaca yang unyu maksimal. Sekarang gue kepengen -_-- Cibul ayo tanggung jawab !!! ("`з´)_,/"(>_<'!)


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I don't know how to Explain

        Hey blog, sekarang jam 0:13 dini hari. Yea, and I still stuck on this silly things. Do the assignment ofc. Entah yaa.. Beberapa hari ini aku random, kenapa dikit pasti emosi, ngamuk-ngamuk gak jelas, jutekin semua orang. I know that I'm Teenager and labile.Tapi ya nggak gini juga kali -_- Alay bgt sih. Ada masalah dikit pasti kepikiran. Ckck. lama-lama bisa stress nih kalo gini mulu --_-- I'm really sorry to everybody I've made hurts. Forgive me pwease. I just didn't know how to explain, so I decided to keep silent and avoided the problems. 
          Btw, kemaren aku ketemu si kakak loh. Bukan, bukan yang itu. Tapi yang satunya lagi. Yang Tinggi, nyebelin, metesek .. Terus .. Ah nggak tega ngomongnya. Got it, didn't you ? Well, emang udah lama banget aku gak ketemu si kakak. Kelasnya jauh bgt sih dari kelasku -_- tapi kemaren itu aku ngga sengaja dari aula, dan si kakak udah nangkring di deket kelas pacarnya. Duduk manis gitu, entah apa yg dia lakuin. I avoided him. So, I didn'tknow what he doin' with her gf was. kalo kata temenku sih.. Cewenya lagi nyerocos gitu, semacam ngobrol kali yaa. Nah .. waktu aku lewat di depannya, aku lari .. Si kakak ternyata ngeliatin aku. OMG, How could he do that -_- stupid ! Nggak takut ketauan cewenya apa ? Kalo aku jadi cewenya mah uda aku tabok kali. Gak sopan, cewe lagi ngomong gak didengerin. Malah ngeliatain cewe lain. Ckck --_--
           Menurutmu,si kakak itu PHP ngga sih ? Pura-pura ngga peduli, tapi ternyata peduli. Aneh :/ aku sih nggak ngarep dikasi harapan, toh aku emang ngga suka sama dia. Tapi... kenapa dia ngelakuin hal itu ? kenapa dia masih care sama aku ? Nyebelin. Bikin serbasalah -_- 

Udah ah ya, segini aja galau-galauannya. Mo bobok. Besok sekolah. Oh iya, Tadi baca postingannya si Cibul aku jadi terharu dehh... nyesek abis :" dua jempol deh buat cibul. Kay, Bye Fellas ~

Sunday, April 1, 2012

willkommen April wif the Culture-and-Arts-asignment (¯―¯٥)

        Hi, blog ! Today's first day in the 4th month of 2012. Oh Gosh, how could time pass so damn fast ? I still can't realize it. I've been through many stupid things several months before  -_- I hope I can do something valuable this month (ʃ⌣ƪ)

This's April and ...... It means that I must do my fuckin-art and culture assignment-A.S.A.P !! coz the deadline's at the last day of this month. O Gee, should I surf the net for this damn thingy ? I'm bored wif all those stupid thing. 
FYI, it used to be one of my fav lesson till I met this sucks assignmt and ofc the suck teacher -_- so, that's the reason why do i hate this so damn much .
The other reason is .. Yap, in the last affctive test, my teacher asked us to do practice the traditional dance. I called it pejuang-damn-dance. Why do I put the 'damn' word between the name ? Coz I have a bad exp wif it. Could you imagine it, when you tried to learn and remember the dance step a day before the test, and you practiced all day long but the next day you just got C !  then, your friend that never paid attention and did practice got B ?! Oh, Shit ! how mad and disappointed me at that time. He didn't respect me at all. Yea, life is a bitch i think. Well, reminding that thing always makes me crazy and turn into an idiot. Ok, enough with it, let's change the topic.

Btw, in this early month I have some wishes that I hope come true. Like I always do in the beginning of the new month. kay, this's my wish list :
1. Good score on my report card. Mostly Science and English (ʃ⌣ƪ)
2. Being Slimmer !!
3. More Smart and Creative in every lesson.
4. A Crush (?)
5. All my wish come true ! 

At least, It's no problem If I just Get one of it. I'm sure that God always hear me. He knows what's the best for me ;)

Okay April, don't be bad month. Please be good to me. I'm not ready to face any silly things.  Lemme got somthin' in this month (˘ʃƪ˘)